
Showing posts with the label How would the kind of friends i keep affect my life style positively or negatively. The kind of friends you keep would determine to bring you up or take you down

How would the kind of friends i keep affect my life style positively or negatively.

The kind of friends you keep determines almost 40% of your life style.For example,when am with my true Christian friends,we share the gospel.When am with my serious course mates,we talk about how to make better grades.When am with my music friends,we talk music.When am with my game freaks,we talk game.When am with my playboys,we talk girls,fast cars and how to go clubbing.When am with my business friends,we talk about how to make life better.When am with my football fans,we talk betting and soccer.The list goes on and so on.You can equally add yours to the list.So choose the kind of friends you keep wisely so that nobody would mislead you but there are some friends who have all this qualities. BE WISE