Aya Wase narrates how she found happiness in her marriage
Aya Wase wrote this powerful message. My Husband and I have always been Friends, so I got so used to the Friendship. We could gist for hours about literally anything! I got used to that. So, he became really busy and I began to feel lost! I would seek for his attention, like a Fan seeking the attention of a celebrity. It made me really sad. He was doing his husband duties and all, but he wasn’t spending gisting hours with me anymore. I was sad, but I had to understand that he was building his career and trying to make a living for us! One day, he came back very late, I needed to tell him something that was on my mind. This man slept off. I woke up the next day and my whole day was gloomy, he was busy on his phone and didn’t even look at me. I confronted him, and the worst words that someone has ever said to me came out from the mouth of someone whom, I never believed would say that. Ver said to me, “Awa, learn to be happy outside me! Stop depending on me for your happ...