
Showing posts with the label What some lecturer's do to students that refuse to buy their textbooks in a particular course.

What some lecturer's do to students that refuse to buy their textbooks in a particular course.

That moment when a lecturer is always punctual to class.He takes out time to explain concepts very well and the students understands him very well but keeps emphasis on we buying his text book.In our hearts we are like he is making noise about buying his book.Me and my friends feel reluctant about buying the book.His tests comes up,it is exactly what he taught us in class.we write and pass with high grades and finally seal a thought that there is no need for the lecturer's textbook.He comes to class and still tell us the importance of buying his book and that since it is a core course if we fail we would come back for the carryover.That we would later look for him to buy the text book.Me and my friends conclude we can pass his exams without his book.Time for exams come and the lecturer does an exact lifting of questions from his textbook.Since it is structural,you can't beat around the bush and get little marks.You have to fill in the exact words that are missing.No way out.You...