
Showing posts with the label life lesson

Life lesson

Sometimes i sit down and wonder why when my dad was still alive,I was not  ready to do anything meaningful.It was to eat,play, sleep and watch movies.I had all the computer skills a long time ago but i was not just ready to stress my self for anybody. Even if i accepted any,I played around with it because i had somewhere to fall back if i was stressed .I had good and meaningful deals to work on but the stress involved made me run away.He basically provided free lunch for me so i thought that was all in life.Fastforward things changed and i did not see any free lunch coming my way so i had to take the bull by the horn.It baffles me with the way i carry my activities this days. Carry your hustle for your head.For very lazy people like me, we just need conditions to push and drag us out of our comfort zones like free lunch and sleeping or we would never be creative. Hunger strike comes very massive. If hunger strikes you and you still refuse to change your mindset.It would be diffic...

How i almost got married by #bonez.

Funny how I told myself when I was younger that if I reached a particular level in my career before my 22 years old birthday then I would get # married .I later got even more than my expectations.I was so curious about the marriage idea until Benue state university admission came and spoiled my show and I suddenly lost that idea of marriage because of the school stress involved.That is how most young people think.Once they hit a particular level they start feeling like they have arrived.Porsh feeling oh. Hehehe,don't let #$$$ get into your head.It makes you feel bigger than you can imagine if you let it control you.Right now,I need to graduate first.Now am older and wiser. I always learn things the hard way.I call that incidental learning because it is the best learning I have come across...Even b.s.u can't teach you this one in class...You experience it by your self....Right now even the marriage cheese b.s.u don already half am for me. Everything would happen at the right ...