
Showing posts with the label shout out to davido

If wishes were horses,everybody would ride.By #bonez

She wish she had a brother like me.A brother with a heart of Gold.Some one who never gives up because her brothers don't think out of the box but the truth is I don't blame them,If my dad was alive and doing well,I won't have stepped out of my comfort zone.I am not used to hard life.Like seriously.I mean it.I used to be a young man who easily gives up. Poverty is a comes with a lesson.I hardly give up this days.You have a choice of turning the lesson into a blessing or a burden.I have officially choosed the blessings that comes with poverty. It comes with an open idea.Information is power. No free lunch for bonez anymore so whether I like it or not,working hard and believing in God is my only solution and open option. #bonezizabonez I rep my brand for real. Am a blessing to this generation.stop underrating my age.I do what I have to do and leave the rest for God.Believe in yourself and I promise you,the future is far brighter than you can ever imagine. Bless...